Bon allez quelques petites interventions bien croustillantes made in GINO.
Pour rappel, il a quand même été viré de semble-t-il.
Source: sont des topics ouvert par le sieur en personne. Ce site à pour principale but de référencer et dénoncer les recasters (autant dire que c'est laissé GINO donner libre cour à son imagination).
"Here is my list of known trooper recasters.
trooperexpert (TE) (Matt G.)
troopermaster (Paul)
MFX (Guidon)
AA/SDS armor (helmets are okay)
WeiBes, CAP (Chris Peters)
The only people under the honor amongst thieves code that should have the means to make trooper helmets/armor based on the only copied screen used ANH helmet and ROTJ suit is myself and AP.
No other screen used ANH helmet or ROTJ armor has ever been molded.
TE2 stuff is recast as well, but he was taken advantage of and purchased those recast molds without knowing they were recast (so in my opinion he gets a pass, although his items are still unauthorized recasts).
Lots of controversy over some of these people because they made a lot of friends selling their wares, but if this forum is to stand above the politics and be real, then you can't give passes to those who are friends, or nice guys. The people they screwed over don't think of them as such."
Donc en gros, il est le seul, avec AP, à avoir le droti de faire des casques et armures de stormtrooper. Etonnant.
Quand on sait que les kit AP (du moins pour le casque) sont idéalisés.
Maintenant à propos de DIY props forum (d'où GINO, sous un autre pseudo, s'est fait gentiment lourdé)
"I strongly suggest everyone steer clear of this forum and ANY of it's members. is an openly pro-recasting forum with a membership of people who don't believe in the honor amongst thieves code. Members there who say they don't support recasting, still support the ones on the site who actively engage in it as well as a forum founded on it.
So it is indirect support.
Recasters are the terrorists of this hobby. They believe that it is their right to acquire whatever they want or help their cause BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Like real world terrorists.
If you abide them, or harbor them, or give them safe haven, in my book that makes you complicit to their behavior. I don't distinguish between the two.
In this hobby with such an emphasis on trust, you are judged heavily by the company you keep. I personally would not offer any items to any member of this forum unless you don't care about it being copied."
Donc tous les membres de ce forum sont des vilains pas beaux! Juste le fait de consulter ce forum prouve que leur âme est souillée (j'en fait sacrément partie alors)
Et enfin, le sujet "You might be a recaster supporter if..." m'a beaucoup fait rire:
"You may ask yourself, "how do I know if I am a recaster supporter?"
Well I put this quick list together to ask yourself to see if you suffer from any of these symptoms.
You might be a recaster supporter if...
1. If you cheer on those who do engage in recasting
2. If you knowingly buy from them (openly or behind closed doors)
3. If you know someone recast something but won't admit it publicly
4. If when asked, you are too pussy to publicly disgrace the practice of recasting
5. If you contribute to a forum founded on the basis of recasting
6. If you don't distinguish the difference between recasting from the studio vs. your fellow hobbiest
7. If you don't believe and practice in the concept of honor amongst thieves
8. If you are a costumer, or a member of the 501st*
* Not all costumers or 501st members are recaster supporters, however if you are a costumer or 501st member, you are in a high risk group and could be a recaster supporter and be completely unaware of it.
Costumers and 501st members in most cases are primarily concerned with obtaining and spreading props & costume pieces to as many people as possible while rarely taking the time or even having the desire to inquire if what they are buying is recast. This makes them incredibly vulnerable to being infected with recast items as well as passing them onto others.
It is best to consult your local reputable prop forum to see if you have been infected."
Donc tous les membres de la 501st sont encore plus des vilains pas beaux!!!
Alors là c'est énorme, vous imaginez le nombre de personnes que ça représente??? Rappelons que George Lucas cautionne la 501st et c'est pour ça qu'ils sont soumis à des conditions très strictes (et très bien appliquées dans chaque pays)
La 501st permet à de nombreux fans de vivre leur passion et de la partager avec d'autres personnes (sorties caritatives, dois-je le rappeler?)
Alors bien entendu GINO ne dénonce pas l'existence de la 501st, il ne fait que protéger son business! Là où beaucoup pensent "charité", lui pense business! Je ne vois que ça!